Earlier this week, I signed Sam up for “wee ball” which is the league before “t-ball” here. It is for 3-4 year olds. We have been itching to get him into organized sports since we know it will be good for him on multiple levels but he’s never been old enough. Praise the Lord for wee ball!

Once he was signed up, we went to Academy to get him some little baseball pants, cleats and a ball (we have his glove but his ball is in our POD and he only has one pair of tennis shoes and I don’t want them to turn orange from the baseball dirt.) Talk about a funny trip!

We first found his pants (I didn’t even know they made baseball pants that small- they are SOOOOO cute!) and a ball. Then, we just wanted to get an idea of if he would freak out with a batting helmet on. Due to his tubes, he is a bit particular about what can and cannot be near his ears and having them covered is usually a big “NO”. Travis tried on the largest t-ball helmet he could find… too small. Then he tried on the largest “minor league” helmet… too small. Finally, he found this one…

From February 2012

a one-size-fits-all ADULT softball helmet. HA HA HA!! It fits be perfectly! Now I am just hoping that his “wee ball” coach brings adult helmets to the games or we might be investing in one of those to protect his large noggin. 🙂

Anyway, it was dark once we got home so Sam was a bit disappointed that he couldn’t practice then. However, we promised that when Daddy got home the next day, they could practice baseball while I fix supper. It was almost like Sam was waiting on Travis at the door the next day. He was so excited! I took a couple of pictures before going in to cook supper…

From February 2012

From February 2012

From February 2012

From February 2012

From February 2012

From February 2012

In case you’re wondering, Sam was indeed wearing a Saints jersey and catching with an Atlanta Braves glove. He likes to combine sports teams.

Registration for wee ball ends this coming weekend and then they will assign teams. Hopefully, we will hear something from his coach in the next week or so. If they keep a similar schedule to last year, the first games are the 1st of April.
