Fun Day in the Wright House…

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This morning started off super dreary- we were ending an evening full of thunderstorms that brought a barrage of rain. (Did I spell barrage correctly? Hmm…) Anyway, it was dreary. However, it quickly cheered up when this rolled onto the scene…

From March 2012

Travis calls it the Newt bus. HA!

Over the next several days, three of the Republican president hopefuls (Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum) are going to be visiting LC. I am so excited- even though I won’t be able to go see/hear any of them. 😦 This morning, Newt was on campus and Travis was able to hear his speech AND SHAKE HIS HAND! 🙂 Here are the pictures he took…
This first one is Dr. Aguillard, LC’s president, introducing Newt’s wife (whom Travis calls Mrs. Newt)…

From March 2012

Here is “Mrs. Newt”…

From March 2012

Here is the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich…

From March 2012

Travis’ enjoyed his speech and said he was an excellent public speaker. He even shared an interesting tidbit of info based on a question someone in the audience asked. Right after the BP oil disaster, the Obama Administration put into place an oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico. They have since “lifted” the moratorium and established a requirement that you have to apply for a permit. Well, people who don’t want the drilling to occur are in charge of approving the permits and therefore no permits have been approved! I think that is called “dirty politics.” However, this is NOT the place for political discussions- I just wanted to share that interesting tidbit of info.

LC’s media department uploaded the speech to YouTube. If you would like to watch it- it is below (warning it is 38 minutes long)…

I think Travis said that Ron Paul will be here Friday afternoon and so Travis is planning on going to hear him as well. He will take pictures and I will vicariously attend as I post the pictures to the blog. Rick Santorum won’t be here until Friday night and so the Wrights will not be represented at that speech due to Sam’s wee ball games. 🙂

In some fun “family” news, our favorite zoo (Alex Zoo) posted pictures on their Facebook page of their baby wallaby. I thought when we were there Monday that I saw it in its mother’s pouch playing with a stick or something but I wasn’t sure. Now I definitely know that is what it was. I copied this picture from their Facebook page so that I could share it with you since it is definitely closer than I ever could’ve gotten.

From March 2012

Isn’t it cute?

Now for an “only in Louisiana” photo…

From March 2012

Apparently, someone couldn’t wait to get home before eating their crawfish so they ate them in the grocery store parking lot. Gross!


Faith like a mustard seed…

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The following is from my Facebook status:
eavesdropping on Sam’s bedtime prayer: God is Great, God is Good, thank you for my hands, for my bed, for my Nissan, for my Chevy Tahoe, for my garage door, for my Ferrari…

Oh to have that kind of faith- the thank God for things I don’t even have (well, outside of the hands and bed)…

Yesterday, we had MOPS. Apparently, in celebration of the arrival of spring, we both did flower crafts. Here is Sam’s…

From March 2012

Here is mine (with a petunia planted in it)…

From March 2012

In case you need one more picture- both plants together…

From March 2012

I think Sam’s wins the cute contest. 🙂
