Fun randoms from this week…

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There has been a lot of “hype” on Facebook this week about the gravitational forces being lined up just right so that things that normally don’t stand upright do. I can’t even begin to estimate the number of Facebook friends I have that have posted pictures of their brooms standing unassisted in the middle of a room. Well, I finally decided to try it out myself and it works! It made me laugh…

From March 2012

(Again, I used the new phone app for this picture)

I also finally got around to taking a picture of my craft from my first MOPS meeting over here. We were given a blank canvas and various ideas of ways to decorate it. Painting was one of them… so I decided to paint something that can hang in our kitchen (whenever we get our “own” kitchen again.)

From March 2012

It isn’t anything super complicated or fancy but I like it. Yellow and red are the “colors” I try to use in my kitchen. 2003 was when we were married and thus “established” as a family. Also, I tried to write our names in the “dead space” but it looked rough so I decided once I got home to print a couple of wedding pictures, crop the, and mod podge them to the canvas to cover up my “goof” but to also give me a way to decorate with wedding pictures. I don’t know when I displayed wedding pictures in our house! So sad… I would LOVE to get the negatives (hint hint… mom) and have one of my bridal portraits enlarged onto a canvas but, I just haven’t gotten around to it and we really haven’t had the extra money that it would require. One day though…

Last night, Trey, Sam and Travis were all playing with their phones/iPods and it made me laugh so I took a picture.

From March 2012

Travis and Trey were actually playing each other in a version of Scrabble on their phones. Sam was listening to music from my iPod on his new “headphones.”

We went to a craft fair last weekend and I picked up a neat piece of jewelry. He had all sorts of colors but I kinda liked the New Orleans Saints “feel” of this one so I picked it. 🙂

From March 2012

In menu news, we ate supper at home EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT this week. I am so proud of us. Lunch was a different story but that is mainly because when I grocery shopped I bought what I would’ve bought anyway but forgot that I was feeding Trey as well and so the leftovers I normally plan for (for at least me) just weren’t there. That is OK though. Trey actually told Travis tonight that I was a good cook! Travis just laughed and said it is because I follow recipes to a “T” and he asked if Trey noticed how I kind of had a panicked look on my face when Travis mentioned frying the rice for supper instead of us eating steamed rice, which is what the recipe called for. When Travis told me about this conversation I had a good laugh because I can follow directions but I surely can’t tell someone else how to cook to save my life! HA HA!! Anyway, here is what we had (and I will post pictures of the meals I remembered to take pictures of)…
Monday- Zesty Pork Chops, brown rice & honey glazed carrots

From Food

Tuesday- Beanie Weenies

From Food

Wednesday- Baked Chicken & Peas, Mashed Potatoes
Thursday- Homemade corn dogs & baked sweet potato fries

From March 2012

Friday- Homemade pizza (one was mini pepperoni & cheese and the other was mini pepperoni, pineapple, and cheese)
Saturday- Orange chicken (in the crock pot) and brown rice

From March 2012

Tomorrow, we will be having Chicken Alfredo (in the crock pot), broccoli and noodles. Yummy!!

I decided yesterday that I am going to try the meal planning around “theme” nights idea. Therefore, I have picked a theme for each night and use that to guide what we eat. If not, I can easily fall into the routine of having some form of chicken every night and that will get old fast. So, here are the themes I have decided upon…
Monday- Meatless (this coming week it will be Cheese Quinoa “mac” and cheese)
Tuesday- Mexican (this week… tacos (with my own seasoning blend, homemade refried beans, and homemade mexican rice)
Wednesday- Crockpot (so that getting to church on Wednesday nights will become easier and more likely) (this week is a crock pot roast and vegetables)
Thursday- kid friendly (i.e. some of Sam’s favorite meals) (this week will be Baked Spaghetti Pie)
Friday- Pizza (this week I will be attempting a GF “biscuit crust pizza”- it sounds yummy and doesn’t have to rise so it can be made much faster!)
Saturday- Chinese (I don’t know what I will make yet- that will be decided during nap time tomorrow)
Sunday- Eat Out (after church lunch) and Crock Pot for supper (I don’t know what yet- another nap decision)

I hope this works and I think it should help simplify my menu planning. I am also going to start working on a recipe “binder” of sorts so that I can corral my recipes. The one I most like will use 4×6 photos in cheap-o photo albums and there will be a separate book for each category (breads/breakfasts, veggies/sides, entrees, desserts, salads, etc.) That way they won’t take up much counter space I can keep them updated with our “favorites” so I don’t run into having a bunch of recipes that Sam didn’t enjoy or that we thought tasted kind of odd that I have to flip through each week when I am trying to plan the menu. I have all of my recipes saved on my computer but I honestly like flipping through a book more than sliding down a list on the computer. Once I get the thing created, I will definitely post it on the blog. I am still compiling ideas on Pinterest right now though…

Well, that is about it for this week!


and yet ANOTHER zoo trip with Uncle Trey

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Trey’s boat still hasn’t been finished. Therefore, he got to go to the zoo again with us. It was a great way to “kill” a couple of ours this morning. I downloaded a new iPhone camera app called “Camera Awesome” and so I played with it today. It is similar to “instagram” in that it has fun little editing things you can do to your pictures. However, it differs is in that, to me, it doesn’t seem to greatly affect the “quality” of the shot AND it can do videos! No more switching between apps! YAY! Here are some of the fun pictures I took this morning…
Just to give you an idea of what the photos look like before any editing, this is a completely unedited pic. It doesn’t look grainy at all (to me) and I usually notice grainy-ness in even my unedited instagram shots.

From March 2012

Now onto some others. This first set is the same picture- unedited and edited. On the edited one, I added “texture” to the entire picture, a frame, and some color modification.

From March 2012

From March 2012

Now for just edited ones…
I didn’t know there were TWO Swipers!!!

From March 2012

It was highly entertaining watching these zoo workers chase this bird down to clip its wings. One had a net and the other crawled under the walkway but, they finally cornered it!

From March 2012

BIG porcupine… there were actually two in the log.

From March 2012

This was the first time we saw the blank panther doing anything besides grooming itself. Today, it looked like it was posing for pics. HA!

From March 2012

Apparently, it was getting sleepy because then it yawned…

From March 2012

Um, yeah, I don’t want to be ANYWHERE NEAR that large mouth without some kind of protection. Yikes!

This is another unedited/edited picture because I can’t decide which one I like more. It seems like each time we go we find a new animal. The part that disturbs me is how many times we’ve walked past this animal and NOT noticed it. It creeps me out- it is right across the sidewalk from their playground. Maybe this is how they convince the kiddos to stay on the playground and not run off? HA!

From March 2012

Yes, that is a “green anaconda” and they can grow to be 16 feet long. I have no idea how long this one was but that bowl of water it is laying in was not small. Travis estimates he was about 13 feet long.

From March 2012

On the information sign it lists things the anaconda is known for eating, like jaguars. Another animal it eats is actually located just down the sidewalk from him (population control, hmm…) it is a capybara and this is what it looks like.

From March 2012

Their information signs says that they grow to be about 4 feet long and weigh around 100lbs. I have a hard time fathoming that a snake can eat something that big but apparently the anaconda does!!!

It was a fun trip. Travis joked with Trey that he (Trey) has been to the zoo more times since he has been “living” with us than he had his entire life. HA HA! We love the zoo!!
